DIY Fundraisers

One in 10 people will have a seizure in their lifetime, and one in 26 will develop epilepsy. Every day, communities come together to raise funds to support programs for people with seizures. 


Upcoming DIY Fundraisers:


Hairbraiding with EEPs Peeps

Saturday, April 13th
10am - 12pm

Health and Wellness Fair 
Red Pine Elementary (Eagan, MN)

Join walk team EEPs PEEPs at this free event with lots of vendors, giveaways, inflatables, games, face painting, music, and prizes. EEPs PEEPs is hosting is a braiding booth where will provide free braiding of hair - including French, Dutch and Fishtail options - with donations going to the Epilepsy Foundation of MN and the EEPs PEEPs team that will walk in September. This is third braiding booth EEPs PEEPs has hosted. The booth not only helps us raise money, it's fun, and we get to raise awareness about Epilepsy! Swing by if you are in the area!








View our DIY fundraising guidelines to get started in planning your fundraising event for EFMN, and check out FAQ & tips for success.

Ready to get started with your DIY fundraiser? Fill out the information below and a staff member will contact you.

Host your own DIY fundraiser!

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Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota, Inc. • Copyright © 1994-2015 All rights reserved.
1600 University Ave. W. Suite 300, St. Paul, MN 55104