Veterans Outreach

Head trauma (or traumatic brain injury) is a common injury in active duty service men and women. Post-traumatic epilepsy (PTE) is a seizure disorder caused by a head trauma.  15-34 % of head trauma cases also have PTE and active duty military rates can be as high as 52%. Therefore between 48,000-169,000 service members serving in Iraq & Afghanistan are expected to develop post-traumatic epilepsy.

colorbar.jpgM.O.V.E.S.  (Minnesota Outreach for Veterans with Epilepsy and Seizures)

Delivering epilepsy awareness and education to veterans and their families.  

Lisa Riley is the volunteer educator for our MOVES program.  Lisa lost her son Jordan to SUDEP in 2012 and has been advocating for veterans ever since.  Learn more about her story. 

Schedule a seizure recognition & response training today. For more information about MOVES, contact Lisa Riley at or 651.287.2328.  









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Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota, Inc. • Copyright © 1994-2015 All rights reserved.
1600 University Ave. W. Suite 300, St. Paul, MN 55104